Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Religion talk at work

Today at work I had someone tell me that they thought that Britney Spears and her other lost celebrity types needed prayer. I just kind of looked at him and didn't react. Then I received an email from a co-worker. It was a chain letter type thing.

   When you're down to nothing,
                                     GOD is up to something!


                                       Worry looks around,
                                        Sorry looks back,
                                         Faith looks up.

                        This angel is sent to you.
                        You must send her to 8 people including me.

                        In 8 minutes you will receive something you have
                        long awaited.
                        Have faith.

I ignored it. How do you respond to a benign thing like that? I don't think I would have responded even when I was a Christian.

It's going on three weeks since I came out about my Agnostic Atheism. Work has been slightly stressful, but other than that, I have never known such peace. I no longer have to struggle every day to believe in an imaginary God. Saying the God I believed in was imaginary doesn't mean that a real God can not exist. It just means that I do not hold to that belief any more and that I am still open to the idea of God.

I no longer have to believe in a book that damns people to hell for simply believing something other than what it teaches. I no longer have to hate the sin, but love the sinner. This phrase was used a lot in regard to the sin of homosexuality. Personally I think any sin that doesn't harm another person in some way is bullshit. Why the hell would God care if a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman?  isn't it the love that is the important part? Every day I wonder at this world and find something new to love. The world is truly a wonderful place, especially when one casts off the false belief that it is a fallen world and all it's inhabitants are evil sinners doomed for hell unless they believe in Jesus in a certain way to be determined by each denomination. What a crock of shit.